Tuesday, April 23, 2013


If I could change anything about our society, it would definitely have to be the way people tend to believe that anyone has more or less rights than the person standing beside them. We are all humans born onto this planet, everyone deserves the same rights. People are so blinded by their beliefs that they forget what it really means to be a human. No one deserves any lesser treatment because of their gender, racial background, religion, or sexuality. People need to realize that discrimination is what’s holding our society behind. It really irritates me when I hear people use their religious beliefs as excuses to back up their discrimination. There are billions of people in the world and there’s no way anyone should expect everyone else to abide by the rules of a single religion. No one is born “better” than anyone else. We are just one race of human beings living together on planet Earth and we need to start behaving in that manner.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post here. Thank you! I'm wondering if you can connect your annotations post to an aspect of this post to help you start developing your ideas. Is there one category that you are more interested in? Race? Gender?Sexuality? Religion? Or are you interested in arguing that discrimination in schools is damaging kids? Or discrimination in the workforce is damaging to our nation? How can you narrow this focus?
